
New DH10 Series Disk Harrows

Disk Harrows
DH10 Series Disk Harrows
Key Features
  • Sealed bearings increase life
  • Notched blades aggressively cut and mulch soil
  • Disk gangs adjust to match soil conditions
  • iMatch™ compatible for quick connection

More Info


Sealed bearings increase life and reduce maintenance
Sealed gang bearings for extended life Sealed gang bearings for extended life

The Frontier™ DH Series Disk Harrows have self-aligning, sealed bearings to keep dirt out for dependable, maintenance-free performance and longer life.

Notched blades aggressively cut and mulch soil
Notched blades cut through the toughest soils Notched blades cut through the toughest soils

Notched blades with cast spools come standard with the Frontier™ DH10 Series. These notched blades aggressively cut and mulch soil.

Disk gangs adjust to match soil conditions
Easily adjustable for varying soil conditions Easily adjustable for varying soil conditions

Disk gangs are easily adjustable to match changing soil conditions.


Use a more aggressive angle to tear up and penetrate rough and uneven soil.


Reduce the angle for a smoother finish for final seedbed preparation.

iMatch™ hitch system compatible for quick connection
iMatch compatible attaching parts iMatch compatible attaching parts

The iMatch system converts the tractor's 3-point hitch to fixed hooks and makes attaching implements a super-quick connection.



  1. The iMatch kit is sold separately.
  2. AutoHitch compatible, however, it may require AutoHitch release pins to be removed for certain disk harrow configurations.
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