
New DH16 Series Disk Harrows

Disk Harrows
DH16 Series Disk Harrows
Key Features
  • Two-blade taper furrow filler
  • Disk leveling adjustable with a crank
  • Middle breaker cuts out center bulk
  • Hydraulic controls raise and lower the disk

More Info


Optional rolling basket for improved field conditions
Optional rolling basket Optional rolling basket

Operators can add the optional 35.56-cm (14-in.) diameter rolling basket to help break up clods for improved levelness and uniformity of field finish. A wrench can be used to adjust the down pressure of the rolling basket to suit the operator’s needs.

Two-blade taper furrow filler reduces outside ridges
Creates a level soil surface Creates a level soil surface

A two-blade taper furrow filler on the outside rear wing reduces outside ridges and smooths out the soil to create a level soil surface.

Disk gangs adjust to match soil conditions
Adjustable disk gangs Adjustable disk gangs

Disk gangs are easily adjustable to match changing soil conditions with Frontier™ disk harrows.


Use a more aggressive angle to tear up and penetrate high residue and soil. Reduce the angle for a smoother finish.

Notched or spherical blades
Notched blades for aggressive cutting Notched blades for aggressive cutting
Spherical blades slice and mix for a smooth finish Spherical blades slice and mix for a smooth finish

Choose notched or spherical blades with cast spools for the Frontier™ DH15 and DH16 Series Disk Harrows.


Notched blades aggressively cut and mulch, while spherical (smooth) blades slice and mix residue for a smoother finish.


There are three blade configurations:

  • Front notched gang and rear spherical gang
  • Spherical blades only
  • Notched blades only
Disk leveling adjustable with a crank
Crank adjustment Crank adjustment

Crank adjustment for front-to-rear leveling on the Frontier™ disk harrow lets the operator easily fine-tune disk leveling to avoid ridges and valleys in varying soil types and field conditions.


The working depth is controlled with the depth control bar. Simply lock the pin in one of the seven positions for the working depth required.

Middle breaker cuts out center bulk for level soil profile
Middle breaker Middle breaker

The middle breaker cuts out the center bulk for a more level soil profile, ensuring complete coverage on each pass.

Hydraulic controls raise and lower the disk on the go
Hydraulic controls Hydraulic controls

The Frontier™ DH15 Series Disk Harrow hydraulic controls let the operator raise and lower the disk while on the go. Safety chains come standard with all models.

Scraper field conversion kit for furrow fillers
For all DH15 and DH16 Series Disks

The scraper kit for furrow fillers – two per kit – removes soil buildup from furrow fillers in wet, sticky soil types.

Scraper field conversion kits for DH16 Series Disks

The scraper kit removes soil buildup from disk blades in wet, sticky soil types.

Furrow filler field-installed kits for DH12, DH13, DH15, and DH16 Series Disks

Furrow filler field-installed kits provide an additional smaller-diameter disk blade to the outside of each rear gang, helping to fill in the furrow left by the outermost disk blade.

Field-installed middle breaker kit for disks

The middle breaker removes the center balk of dirt left between the front disk gangs.

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